Acknowledging Club People | Community Clubs Victoria


Acknowledging Club People

Oct 22, 2023 | Uncategorized

Community Clubs Victoria (CCV)and several prominent City of Ballarat clubs recently came together to host a memorable celebration at the Flying Horse Entertainment Venue. The occasion? Community Club Victoria’s Regional Member Briefing. It was a golden opportunity to reconnect with familiar faces and to witness the astounding accomplishments of some of our remarkable clubs. It also served as a platform to discuss the exciting ventures that lie ahead in their strategic blueprints.

But this event was not just about clubs and strategies but about the unsung heroes who make these clubs thrive—the Club People. These individuals have exhibited unwavering dedication to their clubs, pouring their hearts and souls into ensuring their success. To recognise their extraordinary contributions over the years, they were presented with Certificates of Recognition, symbolising their indelible mark on their respective clubs.

A standing ovation is due to those who selflessly invest time and effort into nurturing our clubs. CCV Chairman & President Greg Roberts was honoured to bestow these prestigious certificates upon the recipients, acknowledging their outstanding achievements.

In this article, we shine a spotlight on a few of these exceptional Club People and their contributions:

Minerdome Sports Club (Ballarat Basketball)

Glenn White: Glenn White’s love for basketball has spanned over four decades. He is the unyielding backbone of Ballarat’s basketball community, and his dedication to the sport is unparalleled. Glenn has played a pivotal role in nurturing junior talent, ensuring the sport thrives in the Ballarat community.

Helen Cassidy: Helen Cassidy has dedicated 24 years to the Ballarat Basketball Association. Her unwavering commitment and valuable contributions have been instrumental in the association’s development.

Dan Foley: Dan Foley’s 22-year tenure with the Basketball Association speaks volumes about his dedication. His willingness to tackle any challenge to help the association achieve its goals demonstrates his commitment to the growth and development of the sport and its people.

Midlands Golf Club

Alison Danton, Finance Manager at the Midlands Golf Club, has made a significant impact since joining the club. Her contributions have played a crucial role in the club’s plans and success, making life easier for General Manager Cameron Vallance.

Operations Manager Samantha Warren is another unsung hero at the Midlands Golf Club. Her unparalleled dedication and efforts have been instrumental in building the club to its current stature, proving that she is the organisation’s backbone.

Chalambar Golf Club

Ken Farrer, a dedicated Chalambar Golf Match Committee member for the past five years, has shown immense dedication to the club’s upkeep. His “Can Do Attitude” exemplifies the spirit of volunteering and has positively impacted various club responsibilities.

Ballarat Leagues Club

Lee Prentice, General Manager of the Ballarat Leagues Club, expressed heartfelt gratitude and recognition for the Board Members who have been instrumental in the club’s success, particularly during the challenging times brought on by COVID-19. The Board Members who volunteer their time for the betterment of the community club deserve special acknowledgment. These individuals include:

Robert Allan (Chair)
Darrin Findlay
Michael Taylor
Phil Dalton

The Flying Horse Entertainment Venue celebration was not just about toasts and cheers; it was about acknowledging the heart and soul of our clubs—the Club People. These individuals, like Glenn White, Helen Cassidy, Dan Foley, Alison Danton, Samantha Warren, Ken Farrer, and the Board Members of the Ballarat Leagues Club, embody the community and selflessness that drive our clubs forward. Their dedication is the secret ingredient behind the thriving club culture in the City of Ballarat. They are the unsung heroes who make the magic happen, and their unwavering commitment inspires us all.

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