North Ballarat Sports Club – Movers & Groovers

The North Ballarat Sports Club previously had a Memorandum of Understanding with YMCA Ballarat relating to the ‘Silver Sneakers Program’, the objective of which was to provide up to three fitness classes per week tailored for people aged 50 years and over.
As the club was based at MARS Stadium Ballarat, the spacious football warm up area provided a comfortable space for the participants to exercise, before enjoying some morning tea in the Sports Bar.

Since its inception, the popularity of this initiative has been astounding, and before long they were holding three classes per week, with strong attendance in each of the classes.
In early April 2022, the YMCA advised the club that the funding for these classes would be discontinued. Rather than see the classes terminated, the club made the decision to take on board these classes as part of the club’s operations.

This was an easy decision to make as the benefits provided to members, the club and the Ballarat senior community specifically, were countless.
The program ticks all boxes in that it provides the club the opportunity to offer positive programs to their members and the local community, which is one of the main reasons for a community club’s existence – the ability to address not only the physical but psychological well-being of its members.
The Silver Sneakers Program is fun, healthy, and an opportunity to make friends.
The members love the sessions, which the North Ballarat Sports Club is thrilled to provide. Joe Lynch, Manager of Planning and Strategy at the North Ballarat Sports Club said “The special part of these sessions is that it says you are never too old to look after yourself, and our sports club is not just for the young but also the young at heart.”
As part of taking responsibility for the operation of the classes, the club re-engaged Julianne, the class instructor, and re-branded the program as the ‘North Ballarat Movers & Groovers’.
The club is now embarking on a marketing campaign to further grow the popularity of these classes, and thereby increase the value in their club membership to the Ballarat senior community.
The terms remain the same after the departure of the YMCA, with all over 50s welcome, the only prerequisites being that participants are holders of a club membership and pay the $6 class fee.
These classes form part of the offering for seniors, complementing fortnightly Morning Melodies shows, senior citizen bus group luncheons, free bingo and value senior meals from the Bistro.
This is a great initiative by the North Ballarat Sports Club and a great example of “Great Clubs Connecting Communities.”

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