RG Code of Conduct | Community Clubs Victoria

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RG Code of Conduct

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Certain licence holders in the gambling industry are required to implement a Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct.

For clubs, the following relevant persons are required to operate a Code of Conduct:

  • a venue operator
  • a wagering operator
  • a keno licensee
  • the wagering and betting licensee
  • a commercial raffle organiser
  • a bingo centre operator

The Codes encompass a number of initiatives designed to ensure club members are able to make informed choices, as well as providing support mechanisms for those who need assistance.

Gaming Code

CCV recommends clubs adopt the:

CCV’s Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct (Code 28)

Compliance with the CCV Code requires that the Code to be available on your clubs website (if you have one) including in community languages which you can download below:

Adopting the CCV Code of Conduct

There is no extra fee payable for member clubs who adopt the CCV code.

All venue operators, must complete a statement of adoption confirming that an approved Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct has been formally adopted:

New licensees

New Club licensees adopting the CCV Code of Conduct – Code 28 for the first time, must provide the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation with:

  1. A completed Statement adoption form Code of Conduct – New Licensee
  2. A copy of the minutes from a board or committee meeting confirming the decision to adopt a particular code of conduct.
    An appropriate minute could be:
    “(Your Club) will adopt the CCV Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct (Code 28) forthwith.”

Statement adoption form Code of Conduct – New Licensee

Existing licensees

Existing club licensees switching to a different code of conduct, must provide the VCGLR with:

  1.   A completed Statement adoption form Code of Conduct – Existing Licensee

Statement adoption form Code of Conduct – Existing Licensee 

Please note: Transition at your club should occur as soon as reasonably possible.

In practice little change will be needed, however there are some things to consider:

  1. Ensure staff awareness of the change by convening a staff meeting or formal training session
  2. Ensure formal and regular contact with Gambler’s Help and Venue Support Workers
  3. Ensure the updated code versions in different languages are made available on your website if you have one
  4. Ensure your Responsible Gambling Register is current
  5. Preparation for the review of the Code (now every 5 years)

Responsible Gambling Message

Clubs adopting the CCV Code are required to display a Responsible Gambling Message in the gaming room.

Responsible Gambling Message 

Please print off a copy for display at your club.

Responsible Gambling Register

All venues are required to maintain a responsible gambling register

The VCGLR provides a Gambling Fact Sheet on the use of a responsible gambling register.

Responsible Gambling Register Fact Sheet 

Interaction with Customers – Signs of Distress

The Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct requires staff in the gaming area to monitor behaviour that might be consistent with gambling harm. Staff will have been introduced to this concept during their responsible gaming training, through a ‘colour coding’ of patron behaviour.

 Color Coding Patron Behaviour Fact Sheet

Table of Contents