Media | Community Clubs Victoria

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Welcome to our resources page, designed to help you tell your club’s story every step of the way. These templates, guides and forms are intended to be practical, easy to use tools for beginners as well as the media savvy.

KPMG 2015 Census

The 2015 KPMG census provided valuable data on the social and economic benefits offered to the community by clubs. This information should be readily shared with members, the community and local governments. Members can click on the following image to download for use on e-communications.

Why do proactive media and government relations matter?

  • Promotes your club, attracting members & guests
  • Media is free, unlike advertising
  • More believable – people are more likely to believe an article written by a journalist over a paid advertisement
  • Helps you deal with the (inevitable) negative story or issue
  • When people (including MPs and local councils) know who you are and what you do before there’s an issue, they’re more likely to be supportive

Media ToolKit

Step 1: Key Messages

Your key messages are short bullet point facts about your club. They are the basis of your media and government relations for the club. Many of the following steps will draw on these.

Club Snapshot – Key messages builder

Step 2: Media Releases

Media Release Template

Media Release Template – Volunteerism

Step 3: Photos

Photo Release Form

Photo Taking Tips

Be Ready for Interviews

Ian and Alison from Cozalive have provided the following tips.

If you are feeling unsure, please contact them

[email protected] or [email protected]

On-air, on the record

  • ABC-Acknowledge, Bridge, Communicate
  • Protect your brand
  • Be in control-influence the interview
  • Eye contact
  • Be bold, make statements
  • Avoid toxic words-never repeat negatives
  • Don’t panic-you are the expert, know your facts
  • Confidence and competence-speak clearly and strongly
  • Make your point in 20 seconds or less

Off-air, behind the scenes

  • Brainstorm news-worthy stories for your club
  • Construct media ALERTS and RELEASES
  • What are your KEY messages-write them on 5 cards
  • Social media-be pro-active but aware
  • You ask questions-don’t respond immediately if you don’t want to
  • Assist with deadlines and follow up phone calls
  • Talk with your local media
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