SIAG – Workplace Relations Resources for Managers
CCV provides Human Resource and Industrial Relations support through a specialist Law Firm, Service Industry Advisory Group (SIAG). SIAG has extensive experience with the Club and Hospitality industry, which differentiates this service from other generic service providers. SIAG’s industry knowledge and unique relationship with CCV ensures that SIAG’s Advisors understand our industry environment and can relate to the issues that Clubs seek assistance with. CCV member clubs can access immediate telephone support by contacting SIAG on 1300 742 447.
Hours of Service: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday.
- If you have any problems with your access to the CCV SIAG portal, please get in touch with SIAG directly at 1300 742 447.
- Your login details will be different for the CCV site and have already been issued by SIAG to you.

Human Resources
- Human resource audits.
- Policy and procedure development.
- Change management / restructures.
- Workforce planning, including recruitment, selection, retention, succession planning and exit interviewing.
- Performance review and development systems.
- Learning and development and training needs analysis.
- Grievance and discipline including employee assistance programs and separation.
- Managing diversity: equal opportunity, discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment.
Industrial Relations
- Award rates, interpretation and administration.
- Employment contracts.
- Termination.
- Unfair dismissal / unlawful termination claims.
- Redundancies and restructures.
- Discrimination, harassment and workplace bullying.
- Advice on and representation in both the federal and state jurisdictions.
CCV member clubs can access immediate telephone support by contacting SIAG on 1300 742 447, 8:30am – 5:30pm, Monday to Friday or visit the CCV/SIAG website. (Please note: your login details will be different for this site and have already been issued to you from SIAG). If you have any difficulties accessing the CCV/SIAG site, please contact SIAG directly.
The website provides clubs with all the relevant HR/IR policies including:
NOTE: If you have any problems with your logins to the CCV Siag portal, please contact Siag directly on 1300 SIAGHR
- Awards
- Policies and Procedures
- Letter of Offer
- Correspondence
- Position Descriptions
Additional Services:
IR/HR updates and circulars via email.
Telephone advisory line 1300 SIAG HR (1300 742 447).
SIAG has the right under the Fair Work Act (s596 (4)) to make applications and make submissions on CCV’s behalf to Fair Work Australia (FWA) or the Fair Work Ombusdman (FWO). SIAG has already represented a number of CCV members on several different issues before the FWC.
CCV Position Descriptions
CCV has a range of common role position descriptions to assist clubs. In addition to position descriptions located on the site. For assistance please contact the Recruitment Consultant at CCV for further information.
Employers, on behalf of ‘eligible employees’, are required to pay a minimum compulsory superannuation contribution rate.
Contributions for each employee need to be made on at least a quarterly basis.
Relevant FY | Super guarantee rate |
1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023 | 10.5% |
1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024 | 11% |
1 July 2024 – 1 July 2025 | 11.5% |
1 July 2025 – 30 June 2026 | 12% |
1 July 2026 – 30 June 2027 | 12% |
1 July 2027 – 30 June 2028 and onwards | 12% |
More details are available from CCV Partner, Hostplus on 1300 467 875 or at the Australian Government – Australian Taxation Office.
As an employer you are legally required to make Superannuation Guarantee (SG) contributions on behalf of employees who are:
- aged 18 years or over, and
- employed on a full-time, part-time or casual basis (including those who are working in Australia temporarily), or are
- under the age of 18, work 30 hours or more in a week.
The minimum you must pay is called the super guarantee (SG):
- the SG is currently 10.5% of an employee’s ordinary time earnings
- you must pay the SG at least four times a year, by the quarterly due dates
- you must pay and report super electronically in a standard format, ensuring you meet the ‘SuperStream’ requirements
- your super payments must go to a complying super fund – most employees can choose their own fund
- if you don’t pay the SG on time, you may have to pay the super guarantee charge
Volunteers in clubs
Volunteerism is the lifeblood of clubs and in fact, the community itself. Many clubs would not exist today without the energy and determination of their volunteers.
CCV has developed a handbook specifically for volunteer clubs. That is, clubs operate entirely by volunteers, or clubs that rely in part for the provision of their member services by volunteers. This is a useful tool that covers several key areas where it is important to protect the club and your volunteers.
Members can contact the CCV Team for a copy.
Separation Checklist
Inevitably staff will cease employment with your club and CCV recommends that clubs establish a separation checklist, to ensure the club continues to function effectively and efficiently. The concept of the checklist is to provide a process to follow that addresses club security and compliance during the transition phase. Clubs may wish to utilise the CCV example template and tailor this to suit the needs of your club.
Employment Separation Certificates for employers.
Employment Separation Certificate – Service Australia.