by [email protected] | Apr 18, 2019 | CCV Circulars, News
1. Vale Peter Burnett AM 2. Fair Work Ombudsman – Award breaches 3. Reducing Food Waste In Victoria’s Hospitality Industry 4. Hospitality Suppliers to Shine at AGE 2019 5. Awards Night – 80’s Trivia Giveaway 7. Diary check Edition... by [email protected] | Apr 12, 2019 | CCV Circulars, News
1. Budgeting – Increase to Wage Rates 2. Bowled Over with Innovations 3. Networking – Women in Gaming & Hospitality 4. Hostplus Hospitality Scholarship 5. Awards Night – 80’s Trivia Giveaway 7. Diary check Edition... by [email protected] | Apr 5, 2019 | CCV Circulars, News
1. NEXT WEEK – Governance Training in Bulleen 2. Super Guarantee Payments & Importance of Payroll Audit 3. Awards Night – 80’s Trivia Giveaway 4. ANZAC Day Trading – VCGLR 5. Populate or Perish 6. Final weeks of Fun Money Frenzy 7. Diary... by [email protected] | Mar 29, 2019 | CCV Circulars, News
1.Managing Staff Performance 2.Club Grants 3.The Kombucha Trend 4.Club Governance 5. Diary check Edition #246 by [email protected] | Mar 22, 2019 | CCV Circulars, News
1. Hub Magazine – Marketing Edition 2. PPCA Tariff Rate Notice 3. Defamation – what it is and how to avoid it 4. Golf Day Wrap-up 5. AHG Expo – It’s Almost here! 6. New CCV Partner – Initialism 7. Diary check Edition... by [email protected] | Mar 15, 2019 | CCV Circulars, News
1. Volunteers & Sexual Harassment 2. VCGLR Wants Your Feedback! 3. BGC $125,000 Community Sport Infrastructure Grant 4. AML/CTF – 2019 Update – CCV webpage 5. New CCV Partner – Nestlé 6. Diary check Edition...