News | Community Clubs Victoria

Friday Feedback May 31 2019

1. FWC National Minimum Wage Decision 2019 2. Food Safety – The Risks of Doggy-Bagging 3. Workplace Gender Equality Report 4. Time Running Out for Liquor Licence Renewal 5. Brrrr… Winter Has Come! Time to revisit your energy supplier? 6. Diary check...

Friday Feedback May 24 2019

1. Latrobe Valley – Clubs Kegs & KPIs 2. The Most Important Thing You’ll Do This Year – CBS 3. NVW – Give your Volunteers the Tools they Need! 4. Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea 5. Welcome to our new Silver Partner – BSP...

Friday Feedback April 26 2019

1. Clubs Kegs & KPIs – Morwell – 29th May 2. Workplace Safety is Boring and a pain in the bum… 3. New VCGLR Liquor Licence Selector Tool & Processing Times 4. Awards Night – 80’s Trivia Giveaway 5. CCV Partner – Keno 6....