by [email protected] | May 31, 2019 | CCV Circulars, News
1. FWC National Minimum Wage Decision 2019 2. Food Safety – The Risks of Doggy-Bagging 3. Workplace Gender Equality Report 4. Time Running Out for Liquor Licence Renewal 5. Brrrr… Winter Has Come! Time to revisit your energy supplier? 6. Diary check... by [email protected] | May 24, 2019 | CCV Circulars, News
1. Latrobe Valley – Clubs Kegs & KPIs 2. The Most Important Thing You’ll Do This Year – CBS 3. NVW – Give your Volunteers the Tools they Need! 4. Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea 5. Welcome to our new Silver Partner – BSP... by [email protected] | May 17, 2019 | CCV Circulars, News
1. National Volunteer Week – May 20-26 2. Clubs Australia: Federal Election Impact on Clubs? 3. Be a Hero for HeartKids 4. CCV Member Subscriptions FY19-20 5. Diary check Edition #252 by [email protected] | May 10, 2019 | CCV Circulars, News
1. CCV Award Winners, Finalists & Photos! 2. Volunteers Covered by Anti-Bullying Laws 3. Payroll Audits 4. Privacy Awareness Week 5. Diary check Edition #251 by [email protected] | May 3, 2019 | CCV Circulars, News
1. Awards Night – SOLD OUT 2. Change Our Game – Women in Sport and Recreation 3. Disputes in the Workplace 4. A Fair Labour Hire System for Victoria 5. Advertising and Photography of EGM’s 6. Diary check Edition... by [email protected] | Apr 26, 2019 | CCV Circulars, News
1. Clubs Kegs & KPIs – Morwell – 29th May 2. Workplace Safety is Boring and a pain in the bum… 3. New VCGLR Liquor Licence Selector Tool & Processing Times 4. Awards Night – 80’s Trivia Giveaway 5. CCV Partner – Keno 6....