GOLF DAY IS BACK | Community Clubs Victoria



Feb 25, 2022 | ClubHub

The Hub ‘Tee Off Time’ – Thursday 31st March at 11.30am. There aren’t many views in metro Melbourne that can compete.
There aren’t many views in metro Melbourne that can compete with those from the dining deck at the Kew Golf Club clubhouse. Just imagine what awaits you on the course! This year will mark CCV’s first annual Almost Famous Golf Day at its new home at the finest Yarra has to offer – Kew Golf Club – ranked amongst Australia’s Top 100, the third oldest golf club in Melbourne, and only 15 minutes from the CBD.

It’s been precisely 2 years since the Victorian club industry has had an opportunity to come together in person for an informal day of banter, networking, golf and importantly – remembering what each other looks like! Whether you’re a regular, or not so regular golfer, we’d love to see you there; first-time golfers are most welcome and encouraged.

While the club industry wheel keeps on turning post-lockdown, the lasting disconnection from our mates withing the industry cannot be denied. Some Golf Days seem like just a good excuse to escape the office – and they are – but importantly, CCV’s Almost Famous Golf Day promises a way to touch base with each other and compare overdue notes with your peers and club suppliers in a casual setting (keeping the Kew GC’s smart but discretionary dress code in mind that is.)

As you stroll the fairways, or pass by on the dining deck, be sure to ask our Corporate Partners about the new products and services they’ve been working that are sure to reignite fresh ideas for your club. Or, given the recuperating state of hospitality in Victoria, if you’ve encountered a new problem needing a solution – they’re all ears!

As always, our Almost Famous CCV Golf Day on this a stunning, easily navigable course would not be complete without the usual Almost Famous:

  • Showbags for all attendees
  • Round of Golf
  • Winner Prizes
  • Draw Prizes
  • BBQ Lunch and Dinner
  • Drinks (courtesy of our sponsors Carlton Breweries, Treasury Wine Estates & Coca-Cola)
Rich in its history and traditions, Kew GC prides itself on being a progressive club, welcoming to all. Placing emphasis on relevance to their members, they have vibrant juniors’ programs, membership for men and women of all ages, and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability and vegetation management in the club’s native setting along the Yarra River. 

If you’ve never played, or never played at Kew, now is your chance! 

Registrations close: 24 March 2022

Any queries, ring (03) 8851 4900 or email us at [email protected]
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