Happiness Inspires Productivity | Community Clubs Victoria

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Happiness Inspires Productivity

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In a changing and evolving world happiness is important for a workforce. Being adaptable is key. This has been shown through the COVID-19 pandemic which has changed hoe we work – shifting the boundaries between work and home from loss of work hours and lockdowns, to transitioning your office into your home space and learning how to use online video platforms and technology to connect with your work.

With everything going on stress levels have increased, testing our emotions. Then we question ourselves: are we happy? ‘What is happiness at work’? Does the place I work make me happy? That is the million-dollar question.

Robert Half might have the answer after doing some local research on this topic ‘Happiness at work’.

Check it out through the link – It’s worth a read, as it provides an in-depth analysis on this influential factor.

Findings in the report present a detailed evaluation of ‘happiness’ and contributing factors as to what really matters to employees. Happiness is a factor that runs deeper, impacting staff morale, work productivity and employee engagement.

“Happy employees tend to be more engaged, loyal, creative and productive than their less-satisfied counterparts. Creating a positive culture that engages employees and boosts satisfaction levels, enables companies to remain competitive and directly impacts the bottom line” says David Jones, Senior Managing Director at Robert Half Asia Pacific.

Six Factors that Influence Employee Happiness

Hiring the right person ensures that the gap is filled with the right combination of soft skills, character traits and the career goals that align with your organisation.

Using good judgement when making decisions. Treating employees justly and individually, depending on the specific situation and the employee’s participation.

Building ‘trust’ and giving responsibilities to your employees to step up and make their own decisions! They’re then able to pave their own path to success, and this will be reflected on your business growth as well.

Creating the right environment that acknowledges difference are what can help a company thrive and bring fourth innovation through increasing communication, cooperation, and collaboration.

It’s the little things that count. Appreciation needs to be specific and genuine.

Having a sense of fulfillment and purpose that provides a psychological sense of well-being.

Another great reference is the much lauded ‘TED’ series of video including ‘This is what makes employees happy at work’. Ultimately ‘Happiness’ can be created and morphed in the workplace, this will then impact greatly on employees and the organisation.

So, take the steps and spread the happiness!

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